Ex BLV fire chief Ken,lying,Bescoe,who is now on BLV council needs to stay under his porch,like the bigot LUMP he is..

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lots of LUMPs at Brady Lake Village hall.

To view more Brady Lake Village (BLV) blog sites click on the picture of the Mustang or the Red square with the White B beside Dan Boyle to the right of these comments or the picture of the Mustang. To see more about BLV (FAT LUMP) Ken Bescoe click on the picture of the Mustang and then click on- FAT=Forget Any Truth -If you would like to comment and be anonymous click on comments below these comments.

1 comment:

Just go Lump it. said...

It shouldn't be too hard to fill a blog site with pictures of Brady Lake LUMP people.